Returns and Exchanges: Due to the nature of our products, once your order is received, we cannot return or exchange the product. If the product has not shipped, we can change an address or correct spelling to assure it gets to the correct destination. We do not offer refunds once the order is placed.
Shipping: Allow 7-14 business days to ship packages. Once your order is processed, all tracking information will be sent out promptly. We do not ship products on weekends or Holidays. All products will be shipped the next working day.
Bloom by Natural Remedies is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages. We are not responsible for confirmed addressed packages with incorrect addresses. If packages are shipped back to our warehouse, the customer is responsible for ALL reshipping costs.
Once your order is received and a product is damaged or defective, please and contact us immediately at naturalremediessalon@gmail.com with an image of the product attached.